Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update on Pharmacology test

So, after class today, which was only 2 hours and 15 minutes, I came home, took a well needed nap and then got up around 2ish. I was exhausted. Big news huh? I hopped on the computer to check my pharm test grade because I knew the staff had a huge meeting today. Instead of a 67.5 or whatever my grade was I got a 70. O_O I know that's not amazing. It's a D, but I'm soooooo happy right now. 70s are love in pharmacolgy. I now have a 81.6 in Pharm which is a B, so I'm doing well. :) I can't complain is all I'm saying. XD

Yay for me. Now to study for HA some more.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Day of Clinicals

Today was the last day of clinicals. I'm very relieved though this isn't the last day of clinical for my clinical group. Two professors had to cancel clinical days so we must make those days up. Can't say I'm too happy about that, but it is what it is.

Today I got to do more than I've done all year. I D/C a foley, hemovac and I changed a knee dressing. The thing was wrapped up in so much cotton, gauze and ace bandage it took at least 2 minutes to get it all off without hurting the patient. O_O The hemovac was pretty disgusting. I'm not as comfortable around blood as I thought, especially when it's clotted blood. I've drained hemovacs and JP drains before, but I've never D/C one so that was new.

This clinical I felt like a real nurse. I did head to toe assessments, vitals, assisted with ambulation, passed meds, charted, made beds, assisted RNs. It was truly an experience and I'm sure I'll have tons more before I graduate.

Um, lets see, over the past week I've gotten 100s on papers, but I made a failing grade on a pharmacology exam. A 67.5 or something along those lines. I can't remember, but I know I failed it. I wasn't all that shocked. There was so much material on that test. I thought I knew everything, but it seems I did not. :( Drugs are very hard to memorize and when they're placed in scenarios and you must choose the priority way to treat a patient taking those meds it just makes it ten times more difficult. For me at least. I'm studying cardiovascular now and so far I've memorized 8 pages of slides which is 48 slides altogether. There are 20 pages so that is 120 in all. O_O If you're thinking about going to nursing school THIS is what you'll have to look forward to. LMAO Lots and lots of studying, but it's all worth it when you get to clinicals and actually know WHY you're doing the tasks you're doing.

My clinical instructor says I'm very smart, that I know lots of information and that I have the potential to be a leader one day. I believe her. I can do this if I put my mind to it.

Thanksgiving is next week. I'll be studying for tests, doing modules and writing papers, but the hard part is over. ^_^ Yay for me.

P.S If you're interested in seeing what I'm studying I'm making online flashcards for the next Pharm exam. You can find those notes in the side bar. ----->
