Could I be experiencing job burnout?
Ask yourself the following questions:
Have you become cynical or critical at work? Yes, so much so that if something goes wrong I've gotten to the point where I laugh and say 'yeah, figures." Nothing surprises me anymore. Patient pulls their IV out. Figured that idiot would. Pt family has a complaint about something that happened on day shift? Yeah, well get over it. Nothing I can do about it. I wasn't here. I'm snappy, I'm mean. I'm not that nice nurse I was 12 months ago. Nursing is changing me.
Do you drag yourself to work and have trouble getting started once you arrive? Yes, and almost throw up in the car before I get out. I used to be so quick to get started working. Now I can give two shits about starting on time. Pt will still complain that I haven't served them fast enough. Who really gives a fuck anymore.
Have you become irritable or impatient with co-workers, customers or clients? Yes, to the point when I vent when I get home. More about patients than co workers. I know my co workers are going through the same hell as me. Patients, not the really sick ones, need to grow a pair and go the fuck home.
Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive? Yes. I take mini breaks during my shift. It helps since I never take my full thirty min. one. Guess it adds up.
Do you lack satisfaction from your achievements? Yes, but then when I think I've done something right I get told I did something wrong. I don't see the point anymore.
Do you feel disillusioned about your job? Yes, by all the lies I was told when I was hired.
Are you using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to simply not feel? Yes, wine on my days off. Yay for that warm sleepy feeling. Food not so much. I don't eat as much as I should I think.
Have your sleep habits or appetite changed? Yes, I sleep okay, I guess, but I'm always tired no matter how much sleep I get.
Are you troubled by unexplained headaches, backaches or other physical complaints? Yes, reflux, head aches, muscle aches, pain, and dizziness. YES, YES YES