I can relax and just... -takes a deep soothing breath-
It feels good. It really does. ^_^
I'm going to say now that it was very stressful. We had to do IM (Ventral Gluteal and Deltoid) Sub-Q, IV insertions, IV Piggy Back, and IV Push all in one day. I've never been so bogged down by information in my life. It was really a race to the finish line. We literally stood outside of each door with our deer in the headlights stares on. It was bad and everyone tried to calm everyone else down. In retrospect it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't easy either.
I wanted to go first in all the skills, but I ended up going last for all of them. Not that I was jittery, but because I kept doubting myself and what I knew. I don't know how many times I looked at that skill book and thought "have I even seen this before?" It was like my mind went blank when I stood outside of each check off room waiting to go in and test. It was nerve wracking and I never want to do them again. Clinicals are a breeze compared to skill check offs. I actually flicked the bevel to my IV site onto the table like an idiot. Fake blood went everywhere, but I quickly explained that in the real world I wouldn't continue with the procedure. I'd clean up and start over to avoid infection. O_O Thankfully she understood. My hands were shaking soooooo badly. Hahaha. I need to learn how to relax. Seriously.
Now to study patho and try to absorbed this information into my brain by osmosis. That class is intimidating too, so I'm going to work my behind off to make sure I don't have to make excuses for the grades I receive on exams.
Life is hard, but I love living it. XD -kicks Patho's ass-
ReplyDeleteThis is the assistant editor for Hospital.com which is a medical publication offering hospital news, information and reviews. We also cover a wide variety of medical topics, some of these articles being relevant to nursing schools and issues around their prospective students (scholarships, grants, etc). We are in the process of giving the nursing industry a dedicated section from our site and are currently seeking online resources which can be offered to our readers of this section. If possible I would like Hospital.com to be included within your blog roll, offering our information as a resource to your readers and essentially building a relationship between our sites. Please let me know if this addition can be made, Thanks!
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Mary Miller,