So, even though I haven't been updating this blog I have still been taking courses, going through clinicals etc. I promise to post a summary of my clinical experiences here in the future, but right now I'll post what I'm doing this week.
Today I have another exam. It covers cancer, vulnerable populations and abuse. Yeah, those are very random subjects, but I'm not making the exam. XD I don't think it will be that bad of an exam because most of it is common sense.
We also get our last paper back. I'm nervous to see that because it's been ages since I looked at that paper--about two months actually. At this point I don't even remember the points I was trying to make in the we'll see how that goes.
On Thursday we have a presentation at a hospital. I'm nervous about that as well. Hopefully I won't have to speak during the presentation because I made the powerpoint, did most of the research and help APA format and correct the guideline...I think that makes me exempt. I'm going to ask about that.
This is the last week of clinicals. I've been doing OB for the last three weeks. While I thought that I would enjoy it, it hasn't been all that exciting. The babies are adorable, but it feels like med surg. I don't hate med surg, but it's not as fast paced as I would like. Hopefully I've done well this rotation.
Well, that's all for now. I'll update again after this week is over. It'll be hectic so pray for me!
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