That's what the boards said when I entered lecture hall after our first Professional Clinical Nursing exam. :) The test was pretty difficult. I've never taken a test like that where you can't really rely on what you know, but what you think. It was all pretty much guess work. I went in knowing small facts about how to take care of a patient, but then again I went in knowing nothing...If that makes any sense at all. I didn't know what to expect.
In Human A&P you are given terms, bones, muscles, tissues to remember and you simply regurgitate them onto the test and you're done. On this test you can know values for homeostatis such 60-100 pulse rates is normal, 95% to 100% O2 Saturation is normal, but then you have to apply that to scenario type questions where they don't tell you that the clients O2 stats are low, but that they have labored breathing. You have to put two and two together and figure out what to do for that client. In short, these questions make you think like a nurse which is really scary and exciting at the same time.
The exam is taken on the computer and it's timed. We were given 48 minutes to complete a 40 questions test. Time wasn't an issue, though I did occasionally look at the little ticking bastard every few minutes to see if I had time to linger on a hard question or if I should speed up. The horrible thing about these tests is that you can't go back to a previous question once you've answered it. Once you hit submit that question is in the past, gone, no longer worth second guessing about. That alone was horrifying because you know on those hard questions that once you 'pick' an answer you can't suddenly have a light bub go off in your head and go back to it. They say they are preparing us for NCLEX because that exam is timed as well, but good lord. If you though taken a written exam was hard, they have nothing on this. XD
In the end however I did very well on the exam. I made a 90, only missing 4/40 questions which I was really happy about. You should have seen my face when the score came up. My face looked like --> O_O. I couldn't believe it. Before I left home and while I was in the shower I sang a little song to myself called C's are for losers and A's are for winners. It was really cheesey, but I was dead set on not making a C on this test (which I did on the pre-test :[. I was like, I can do this. It's NOT that freaking difficult. You just have to think like a nurse and you'll do fine. I choose this career because I knew I could do it. People become nurses everyday. Seriously, it's not that hard. >_< Now I'm off to study, study, study! Wish me luck for my PCN skills test!