Check wall symmetry
Checking for carotid bruits
Capillary refill
The Sounds Tutor (I had wheezes)
Exiting Overriders
I heard the aortic, pulmonic, Erbs Point, and Tricuspid valves of the heart, I listened to all areas of the lungs except the top portion along the shoulders. And I correctly located carotid, brachial, radial, and popliteal pulses. I did everything right, except that I didn't include an inch of lung:
The circled part O_O
I was less than 2 inches from the mitral valve and I was honest about not being able to feel a pulse on my partners swollen feet... FROM NOW ON I'M GOING TO LIE. >_> That's what everyone else was doing. I guess I have to suffer for being honest. :(
Oh well. Back to the skills lab to redo what I already know.
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