Sunday, July 28, 2013


I'm still floating on cloud nine. I'm so glad that I only have six more days left to suffer on the floor. They will go by quickly and I'll be going to work in an entirely new setting. I really don't know what to expect, but any change right now is one I'm willing to face.

Please let this change be a good one. I've suffered at this job for almost 2 years. I've done my job to the best of my ability and I can quite honestly say, although I learned a lot, I wish I would have gone directly into another setting. Med surg is not a job for every nurse. You will sweat, you will cry, you will wish you had never become a nurse. Two years in that hell is quite enough. I say good bye with a smile on my face. I hope I never have to return.

PLEASE GOD. Please let me never return to that hell on earth!

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