Thursday, July 11, 2013


Little over and hour ago I got the call that I got the job at the local health department!! OMG. I am so happy. No more 12s, no more weekends, no more bedside nursing. I am just ecstatic. This job may have it's ups and downs like any job, but at least I don't have to deal with this crap anymore. Getting away from the madness is literally a breath of fresh air for me. I didn't cry. I did get teary-eyed once. I just don't think it has hit me quite yet. I only have to work 2 more weeks and then I'm done with this hospital. DONE. No more going in there and literally loathing the fact that I'm working for a place I hate. I didn't always hate my job, but the changes that have occurred are just too much for me to care for. I'm fine with change. I really am. I'm changing jobs right? But I can't handle change that doesn't help the people, but hurts the moral and the atmosphere instead.

Heading to work right now. Going to write up my notice and turn it in tomorrow morning!!



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