Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I MAY have another job offer

OMFG. I interviewed for a position at the local health department and they called me today and told me they want to do a background check. If that clears I MAY have another job. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about this. I've been hoping for another job and finally I took the initiative and looked for something else. If I get this job I'm saying good bye to the hospital life FOREVER. I don't need the stress. I don't need the insecurity that I feel working there and being threatened. Telling people they will be fired over something so silly as a module online is ridiculous. Fire me over almost harming someone, not over the fact that I didn't complete (even though I did and turned in twice) a freaking skill sheet.

PLEASE LORD. If you are still listening to me. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, give me this opportunity. I'll be very grateful. I really will be.  :)

Here's hoping,

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