Thursday, May 6, 2010

On into seniorhood!

I am officially a Senior Nursing student. WOOT! I'm so happy right now you don't even know. Today on my PCN final I made a 86 and I got a 912 for hesi which is where I should be. I'm so happy right now you don't even know. Gah. It feels good to be done with another semester of nursing school. XD 2 down, 2 more to go. I can't wait until graduation gets here. ^_^

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yo, patho final

I'm not worried about this test. I should be, but I know I'm going to pass it with an A. You know why? because I passed everything else with a B so if you add that up it's totally a A. That's my twisted logic talking, but seriously, I'm going to pass this test.

I'm posting this because if I don't pass I'll have to come back on here and tell you I didn't and there's no way in hell I'm doing that so. SUCK ON THAT!

Anyway, gotta go snab a seat in the back of the lab. XD.


ETA: I made an 83.03 on my final. Woot. I have an 84 in the class. Yay for B's. Now, when they add all the 'fluff' from the homework, etc to that grade I should get a 85-86 in the class which is what I need to 'look good.' O_o

Anyway, I'm officially done with Patho. Yay me XD

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm passing!

Today was our last PCN test and I made an 84. ^_^ I hope we get a point or two back so that I can get an 85 on the test. XD You don't know how happy I am right now. I literally sat there clicking through each question and mentally kicking myself because I believed that I was going to fail. My first question was a calculation one. I got it right, but I wasn't sure if I got it right though so it was all down hill from there. I like when my first question is easy because that gives me a false sense of security that the rest of the test will be just as simple. >_< Not the case with this exam because it covered psychiatrics and CAT/CAM and psych is not my strongest subject. Gah!

But I passed so who cares. ;)

Now onto finals. I've gotta lot of studying to do, but there's only two more exams left than I'm done with this semester. Woot!